
On 9 October 2019, under the guidance of associate professor Jiahui Pan, the brain-machine interaction and hybrid intelligence research team of the School of Software, SCNU has successfully published a review paper in the SCI journal “Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience” (impact factor: 2.154). The title of this paper is “Advances in Hybrid brain-computer Interfaces: Principles, Design, and Applications”. The authors of this paper include Zina Li (postgraduate from the School of Computer Science), Shuqing Zhang (postgraduate from the School of Software) and Jiahui Pan (corresponding author).

This paper mainly elaborates the latest research progress of hybrid brain-computer Interface. By summarizing 248 articles of hybrid brain-machine interface from 2010 to 2019, three types of hybrid brain-machine interface were extended. They are the hybrid brain-machine interface of multiple brain modes, hybrid brain-machine interface for multiple sensory stimuli and the hybrid brain-machine interface of multiple signals.

In the past three years, the brain-computer interaction and hybrid intelligence research team has achieved decent results in the research on hybrid brain-machine interface. In the field of hybrid brain-machine interface, it has obtained 3 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) projects and 3 Provincial Natural Science Foundation projects, as well as published 12 SCI papers as the first/ corresponding author.