华南师范大学软件学院/导师团队成员简介2022-03-09 13:00:00来源:华南师范大学评论:0点击:收藏本文
姓名:何乐为 | ![]() |
职称:副研究员 | |
华南师范大学软件学院 | |
Email: helewei@m.scnu.edu.cn | |
个人简历 | |
何乐为,2015年本科毕业于上海交通大学,2021年博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学,并于同年加入华南师范大学软件学院,担任特聘副研究员。 学术主页:http://www.scholat.com/helewei 团队主页:http://www.scholat.com/team/hbci | |
研究领域 1. 脑信号语义解码 2. 基于强化学习的量化交易策略研究 3. 基于计算机视觉的3D打印实时优化系统 4. 面向工业应用的人工智能服务平台 | |
代表性论文 [1] L. He, H. Li, W. T. Chow, B. Zeng, Y. Qian. Increasing the interlayer strength of 3D printed concrete with tooth-like interface: An experimental and theoretical investigation [J]. Mater. Des., 2022, 223: 111117. (中科院1区TOP,IF=9.417); [2] L. He, J. Z. M. Tan, W. T. Chow, H. Li, J. Pan. Design of novel nozzles for higher interlayer strength of 3D printed cement paste [J]. Addit. Manuf., 2021, 48: 102452. (中科院1区TOP,IF=11.632); [3] L. He, W. T. Chow, H. Li. Effects of interlayer notch and shear stress on interlayer strength of 3D printed cement paste [J]. Addit. Manuf., 2020, 36: 101390. (中科院1区TOP,IF=11.632)。 | |
代表性项目 [1] 国家青年科学基金项目,52308250,2024-2026,主持; [2] 国家重点研发计划,2023YFE0207800,2024-2026,参与; [3] 广东省普通高校青年创新人才类项目,2022KQNCX017,2023-2024,主持; [4] 华南师范大学青年教师科研培育基金项目,21KJ15,2021-2022,主持。 Biography: Lewei He, received the B.S. degree in Engineering Mechanics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2015, and Ph.D. degree in Intelligent Manufacturing from Nanyang Technological University in 2021. Then, he joined the School of Software, South China Normal University, as a Specially Appointed Associate Researcher. His research interests include brain-computer interface, reinforcement learning, computer vision, and 3D Printing. | |